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Title: "New Baha'i Parenting Guide Released in Armenian: A Vital Resource for Families"

Title: "New Baha'i Parenting Guide Released in Armenian: A Vital Resource for Families"

The Baha'i online library has recently expanded its collection with the Armenian version of ‘A. Furútan’s book, "Mothers, Fathers and Children," offering practical advice for parents. This significant addition provides a wealth of information on child-rearing practices that promote a nurturing environment while addressing common parenting challenges. Chapters such as "The Necessity of Agreement between Parents" and "Parents’ Words and Deeds are Children’s Examples" highlight the crucial roles that cohesive parenting and positive role modeling play in the healthy development of children, aiming to assist parents in creating a stable and supportive home environment.


Furútan’s work is notable for its practical approach to everyday parenting situations. It covers a broad spectrum of topics, from handling temper tantrums to encouraging children's self-control and respect. These guidelines are designed to equip parents with the skills necessary to manage behavioral challenges confidently and patiently, which is essential for reducing familial stress. The book’s strategies for respecting children and avoiding harsh disciplinary methods are particularly geared toward fostering understanding and building strong, positive familial relationships.


The translation of such an invaluable resource into Armenian not only broadens its accessibility but also enriches the Armenian-speaking Baha'i community's educational materials. This translation effort underscores the community’s dedication to supporting parents in their crucial role of nurturing well-rounded individuals. By including comprehensive discussions on the developmental impacts of various social habits and the importance of suitable books, Furútan's guide stands as an indispensable tool for parents committed to fostering balanced and thoughtful growth in their children.

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