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Looking for Good
Audio News

Looking for Good

I’ve got excellence as my goal

But I’ve got a long, long way to go

And I know it helps me on my way

When I see the good in every day

So if I see something you do wrong

I won’t sing about it in this song

I won’t talk about it with my friends

I won’t even think about it again.




I’ll look at the good in you

I’ll look at the good in you

I know that you’d want me to

‘Cause that’s what I’d want you to do

And God looks for the good in me

He looks for the good in me

And when I put a cover

On those little faults of others

I hope God will put a cover on my faults too


‘Abdu’l-Bahá was very wise

He saw your heart inside your eyes

And when He noticed something wrong

He’d find some way to make you strong

So if I find some fault in you

I know just what I have to do

I won’t go tell anybody else

No, I won’t even tell myself



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